Internet millionaire Joel Therien, president of
and, two very popular websites has just
launched a new site called OpportunityMeetingPlace.
This site is a social networking site catered to one market,
entrepreneurial people and business opportunity seekers.
"The site is there for all types of people who want to
meet with other who have some of the same business
interests" says Therien " It caters to any type of
opportunity, investment clubs, franchises, Network
opportunities, Day traders, you name it and the site caters
to it.
With so many filters on the internet, even legitimate subscriber
email is getting blocked, which unfortunately rendering
newsletters somewhat ineffective leaving opportunity seekers
no valid or cost effective way to find or communicate with each
Opportunity meeting place is very different in that it allows
people to communicate in real time audio and video conferencing
in a secure environment.
People can join free knowing that others on the site will enjoy
hearing about their opportunities.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Social Network Of Opportunity
Posted by Susan Parr at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: business social network
Friday, November 23, 2007
Handylist A Great Place to Place Free Classifieds and Join Forums in Your Community
When I registered for Handylist, it was simply a great place to place free classifieds in my local community. Recently, they have added a forum. offers you free online tools to help people in your community to get things done in a fun way. It’s a kind of address book and bulletin board - a place where people from the neighborhood are hanging out - where we can meet each other, post notices, find events, review local restaurants and services, or even be alerted to crime near our houses. isthe place for the little guy, for individuals and very small companies to find what they need for free. It’s a place for us to easily share our local experience and expertise, and that should make our towns better places to live.
Here’s what you can do on Handylist so far:
* Post a classified
* Tell a story
* Apply to become a Booster and help out
Anyone can use Handylist for free. If we really want to be active in the community, you can download and print the flyer for and let people in your community know they have a free place to make things happen and meet other people in the community.
Just visit and be sure to look me up in Orlando/Orlando.
Posted by Susan Parr at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: forum
Wishing all My Friends A Happy Thanksgiving
It would have been nice to stop by all my social networking haunts and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving but instead I decided to post my holiday greeting in my blog. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday! And to all the die hard shoppers, I hope you found some awesome sales.
I wanted to say a special thanks to all my friends who have helped me in my internet money making endeavors. A thank you to all the awesome bloggers out there sharing their knowledge and educating the newbies like me.
Everyday is a blessing for me. I cherish the time I spend with my children and I am thankful for the joy and happiness they have given me.
Happy holidays everyone.
Posted by Susan Parr at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: happy holidays
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
UVME The Gaming Social Network
I originally joined UVME back in June 2007 when it was being called EVO. I didn't realize out the time it was in prelaunch. I was enticed to join because all my older children are online gamers. It seemed like the perfect way for them to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in the gaming world.
Today I logged into my back office and realized that UVME was still in prelaunch and they have scheduled events to explain what UVME is all about. I also learned when UVME is officially launched and ready to rock, I would be subjected to some fees. Of course this is something I definitely need to investigate further.
I'm not a huge online gamer so this might not be the best social networking for me. If you are a gamer and have a lot of online gamer friends this might be your ticket to making some money online.
How do you make money with uVme?
uVme have created a powerful, unique business with which you can earn money in several different ways. As you build your team of players, you can also create a team of Associates to boost your earnings even more. You can earn:
* Game Revenue – each time your players take part in a paid tournament game, you get paid
* Fast Start Bonus – for each personally sponsored Associate who becomes "active"
* Instant Pay – you get paid instantly
* Power Pool Revenue Share – you can receive a share of 8% of company turnover
* 100% Matching Bonus – gives you a matching income from every one of your personally sponsored "active" Associates Generation Bonus.
* Group Generation Bonus – 3%-5% commission on seven "generations", with dynamic compression
* Infinity Bonus – up to 3% commission on even deeper levels

Posted by Susan Parr at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: make money, social network for gamers
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Yesterday, I Mentioned Google's Open Social
Today I am happy to report I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I dug a little deeper to see what I could find out. The latest news about Open Social sparked an interest and I wanted to know more!
Google's new Open Social is combining some of the major players in the social networking community to create and implement a software program which is compatible within all the communities.
I don't quite get the technical stuff but as a social networking junkie, it's good news to me. I may not be able to write the programs but I can certainly enjoy the perks of someone else's hard work. Thanks to all you software people. Kudos to you!
You can find out more details reading the following article on the Official Google Blog.
Another great place I found some easy for me to understand information about Open Social was
I am just hoping this will make my life easier as a social network user easier. I don't want to figure out how things works in each community. Creating something universal sounds like a good plan to me.
Posted by Susan Parr at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: social networking news
Yuwie Pays You To Be Active!
Imagine being paid the amount of page views for surfing pages in a social networking community. Yuwie does! Not only does Yuwie pay you for the pages you view,you will get paid for the page views performed by members in your downline ten levels deep.
There is definitely money to be made. Let me explain what Yuwie considers to be a valid page view. You can find this information in your Yuwie help section as well as the answers to many other frequently asked questions.
Question / Issue
What actually counts as a paid page view?
Answer / Solution
When anyone views any of these pages, it counts as 1 page view for you:
1. your profile page
2. your blog pages
3. view all your friends
4. view all your comments
5. your picture pages
6. if someone views one of your shared layouts
When you view any of these pages, it counts as 1 page view.
1. any of your control panel pages, including but not limited to: settings, messaging, friends, referrals, favorites, etc.
The following does not count as a page view:
1. Refreshing/reloading a page
2. Any page that's viewed within 3 seconds of the last page doesn't count
If you ask me, this seems like an awesome opportunity to earn some extra income every month. If you are like me, it's a piece of cake. I may not comment a lot on people's profile pages but I do enjoy checking out their pages.
Joining Yuwie is completely FREE, you have absolutely nothing to lose!

Posted by Susan Parr at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: make money, social network
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Cafe Mom Is Celebrating It's First Birthday
Today I received my invitation via email to stop by Cafe Mom to celebrate it's one year anniversary. Cafe Mom invited me and now I am inviting you!!!!!
When: November 14-16
Meet other moms with the same interests and challenges as you. There are over 25,000 diverse groups, find your favorites.
* Stay at Home Moms
* Marriage and Relationships
* Sex Tips
* Pregnancy
* Recipe Swap
* Time for Thanksgiving
* Work at Home Moms
* Raising Boys
* Need 2 Vent?
* Crockpot Moms
* Autism/ Asperger Awareness
* Grey's Anatomy Fans
* Army Wives & Moms
* And more!
Hope to see you there.
Posted by Susan Parr at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: social network for parents
A Recent Article in the New York Post About Google Caught My Eye
In the past week or two I have seen a lot of different articles mentioning the release of Google's new Open Social. I really didn't grasp the whole concept of what Open Social was until reading the following article in the New York Post.
It looks very promising to me since I am a member of a ton of social networking. It could make my social networking nightmare a dream come true. The following excerpt from the New York Post article is what sparked my interest.
Its initiative, which it calls OpenSocial, is an appeal to software developers and Web sites to cooperate in adopting a single set of software standards for the little software widgets that can add a social-networking layer to all Web sites. Agreement on a standard would save users from the aggravation of joining multiple networks and save developers from the aggravation of writing code that works only with specific sites.
I will be spending the rest of the evening seeing what else I can learn about Open Social. In the meantime, you can read the rest of the article by clicking here.
Posted by Susan Parr at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: social networking news
Monday, November 12, 2007
Cool Feature I Failed to Use At Mylot
In an earlier post I mentioned Mylot as an awesome social networking community to make some money by simply participating in the community. Even better is the generous commission of 25% you receive on any of the earnings your referrals make.
Anyways, today when I logged into Mylot I updated my profile a little bit. It is still a work in progress because I have issues with html. Besides updating my profile, I submitted my blog. Now my blog is registered in the Mylot community. You can never have your blog in enough places.
Mylot is a very active community for members to start and respond to discussions. As an added perk you are paid for your participation. There are plenty of categories and discussions happening in Mylot on a daily basis. There are over 112,000 registered users on MYlot. It should be pretty easy to find someone discussing something that interests you.
There is no denying that gossiping is fun. Being paid to gossip is an added perk!
Posted by Susan Parr at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: make money, paid forum
Friday, November 9, 2007
Facebook is So Much More than I originally Thought
Yesterday I didn't really have the opportunity to do too much online. I did stop by Facebook and take a better look. It is considered the second largest social networking community online. Facebook has also been in the headlines quite a bit lately. Facebook has now released ads on their website. You can read the full story here.
I remember getting an invitation from a friend to join. I really didn't look around too much. To me it seemed kind of empty and I could not understand what all the fuss was about! Geesh, how could Facebook possibly be so popular? Well pardon me for being a newbie. LOL It seems in order for me to pimp up my profile I need to add some applications. Duh...sometimes being a newbie really bites.
Facebook currently has over 1700 applications to add to your face book profile. WOW. I am into genealogy so I was impressed with the family tree application. The tip jar is pretty neat too! It will take me awhile to browse through all the applications but I am sure there is something in there for everyone. I saw quite a few applications I plan on added to my Facebook page.
Would love to hear from some Facebook fans out there. Maybe you could even add me as a friend on Facebook since I only have one right now. Boohoo to me. Any tips or suggestions would also be appreciated.
Posted by Susan Parr at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: facebook, social networking news
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Some Of My Social Networking Pitstops Today
First thing I do on an average day is check my email. Most of the social networking communities I am a member of will send me a notification of any activity on my account.
So, now my day begins.
Just opened an email from Vox. My daughter invited me to this community way back in May 2007. After looking at my page this morning it seems like I signed up, added a little bit of information and never went back again. That is until today.
My profile page was the ugly white default page. Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!! Today I took the time to change the template, imported some feeds from this blog to my profile page on Vox and added a few links as well. I still have to create some collections and fill out the about me section.
I took a few minutes to browse the community. I noticed their were very few members who even took the time to add an avatar to their profile. It leads me to believe this is not a very active social networking community. It is just an assumption but either way it's a great way to express yourself or advertise your business interests.
Next stop...BUMPzee
It seems somebody was nice enough to add me to their friends list on BUMPzee. BUMPzee is a blogger social networking community. It's a great place to mingle with other bloggers and see what other bloggers are blogging about. A neat feature at Bumpzee is adding the BUMP feature to your posts. If you enjoyed someone's post you bump it. This is a great way to generate some traffic to your blog.
I like checking in to see who has added me and visit their blog. Yet, another reason why my list of things to do never gets finished. I always run across a great blog and it leads me to another. I love reading blogs! I like seeing what people do with their blogs. I haven't been blogging to long, so I find myself asking "How did they do that?" Of course my inquiring mind wanders off task again....It's all about the need to know.
The Bumpzee widget is pretty cool too! You can set it up in a number of ways and your stats are visible to you from your blog.
Next stop Adlandpro Community

I happened across Adlandpro because I was interested in placing free classified ads. Adlandpro has a number of awesome features on their site. You have the advertising, the networking, auto responders, emails and so much more. I personally find myself getting lost in Adlandpro. I thought it was just me but I have ran across a few others who feel the same way I do.
My confusion stems from my lack of experience in some of the features offered by Adlandpro. I am not a big fan of reading directions to learn how something works. I think I should definitely make an exception and take the time to use the tutorials on Adlandpro. I am certain I am missing out on a lot of awesome tools.
I need to take a break and check up on some of my Marketing Pond programs. Will be back later to share some of my other social networking pit stops I make today.
Posted by Susan Parr at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: personal updates, social network
Are You Addicted to Social Networking? I Sure Am!
A couple days ago I decided to go through all my emails and bookmarks and figure out exactly which communities I was a member of. Unbelievable! I can't even remember joining some of these social networking communities. So for the past couple of days I have been trying to create some kind of game plan to get myself organized and back on track.
I am going to blame this utter chaos on the simple fact that social networking is not only a lot of fun but quite addictive. You join a community and before long you meet someone who recommends you to another social networking community. You accept their invitation and before long you are meeting a whole bunch of new people and accepting their invitations to even more social networking communities.
It is a vicious never ending cycle. And in my case a catastrophe! Well, not really. My personal preference for social networking communities are the revenue sharing communities. I tend to pay closer attention to these types of social networking communities because I am making money for being an active member.
The sad reality is whether or not a social network community has earning perks for their members these communities are still a lot of fun and a great place to meet new people. Did I already mention addictive?
Bottom line is I am pulling my hair out because I like to consider myself to somewhat organized but this is certainly not the case with my social networking endeavors. My plans in November are to share some of my pit stops during an average day! Well, that's the plan but...
Posted by Susan Parr at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: personal updates, social networking