Just a quick line to wish any one who celebrates Halloween, a very safe and Happy one!

Opinions and reviews of various social networking communities. Discover which ones pay you to participate, have revenue sharing or designed for a particular niche. Social networking rocks whether you are doing it for fun or for business marketing.
I just wanted to tell you how excited I am about the Social Networking Directory! It has to be the biggest Web 2.0 resource out there.
There are over 3,000 sites in the Social Networking Directory. The best thing though... is that they ALL have a description about what the site actually does! I mean I've seen the books where people just give you links... but the Social Networking Directory not only gives you the description of each site, it has the graphic, tags, and the link!
I would like to recommend that you go and get it right now! It is F*/REE!!
I wasn't sure what I would be reading this weekend but I guarantee you, I know NOW! This social networking directory is HUGE! I'm not kidding. Hey, not just the picture. hehehehehe
Posted by Susan Parr at 1:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: social networking directory
This is Menchi, my oldest daughter's dog. I am currently dog sitting for her. She's a good puppy but she keeps me busy, very very busy. LOL She fights with my dog, Lady. I find it amusing because Lady is somewhat of a snooty dog. When we brought her home, the first thing she did was give our Dalmatian a lot of grief. He was about 10 years old and she wouldn't leave alone. He passed away last year. Now, Menchi is giving Lady a taste of her own medicine. It's what you call payback and I am loving it. Shame on me.
I created a list of social networks for people who love and appreciate dogs. It's a dog's world. There's also a few links for dog parks. Dog Parks are really cool. Every time I take my little three old daughter to the park, we spend more time looking at the dogs in the dog park than playing on the slide.
Posted by Susan Parr at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: pets, social networks
It's amazing how many invitations I have been receiving in the past week to join one of the latest social networks to hit the world of Web 2.0. So, I wanted to officially announce I have already joined Viral Networks on the 23rd of September. Thanks for the invitation but I am awaiting the launch just like everyone else.
Viral Networks is currently in prelaunch. There's isn't anything I can do other than upload a photograph and add a little information to my profile. But the promise of what is coming is so exciting. So what's all the hype about? Watch the video and get excited about the internet marketing possibilities and earning potential.
Posted by Susan Parr at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: social network, viral networks