A little over a year ago, I created my blog and started earning money by participating in the Google AdSense program. A few months later, I became aware of a number of social networking communities offering members the option of participating in their revenue sharing program. Most of the social networks are Google AdSense communities, however, a few do allow members other options.
Today, I am going to discuss the Lazzeo Business Social Network and how simple the sign up process is and how members earn with Google AdSense. The sign up process is very simple and painless. Not a ton of questions to drive you bonkers. Below is a snapshot of the entire registration.
Once you complete the registration, you can start setting up your profile and begin participating in the revenue sharing program. Unlike some revenue sharing communities, you will be creating and placing your OWN ads from the ad network of your choose and NOT simply entering your Publisher id number. Lazzeo does make it extremely easy for you to sign up and start participating in any one of the three major ad networks. You can sign up for Google AdSense, Yahoo or AdBrite by clicking the image of the ad network, you are interested in and following the sign up process.
I love social networking and meeting new people. I also love checking out other members profiles and seeing how they have designed their pages. To me, socializing with people and having the option to earn with Google AdSense is so much more FUN, than simply blogging or setting up a website. It's nice to have people stop by and say hello and leave comments.
So what if you are already have a MySpace profile, a blog or a website. Why not join Lazzeo, meet some new people, have some fun and increase your Google AdSense earnings.
If you have any questions or concerns about setting up your Lazzeo social networking profile, by all means leave me a message and I will be happy to help. I don't think you will have any trouble whatsoever setting up your profile or adding your ads because Lazzeo has made it extremely easy. Not only do you have the typical boxes profile boxes available for setting up your profile (about me, books, videos, hobbies, interests, etc), you have four boxes available for your CUSTOM ADS!
Not only do you have your regular profile spaces, you have your ad spaces too! You even have the dimensions of the ad spot. It may be a good idea to design your profile page before setting up your ads. This way you can set up your ads to match your profile. I kept the default setting with the standard white background and just changed a few colors here and there.
You may also be interested in adding a Lazzeo search box on your profile. I added one on my profile page and I have seen a few other members do the same. It's just an option to consider when you are setting up your profile and another way to earn some extra cash online for having fun and social networking! See you on Lazzeo!

thanks for sharing that detailed info.
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Some great info here . Thanks for sharing.
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I found your blog very helpful. I 've just started and I can use all the help I can get.
Thanx for the info. I am interested in getting my cable tv to pc website out there so I can get a ton of quality traffic to my website.
Thank you for the great info.!
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